Pogoda na dziś, 14. March 2025

  • 03:00 drizzle
  • 06:00 less rain
  • 09:00 rain
  • 12:00 rain
  • 15:00 less rain
  • 18:00 drizzle
  • 21:00 less rain
  • 24:00 less rain

wind in exposed higher regions: S to SW with 30 to 50 kmph
It will be cloudy and wet all day today, with heavy rain for a while, especially around midday. Snow will mostly fall down to 1000 to 1400m. Only regionally with very high intensity a little lower down.

Jutro, 15. March 2025

  • 03:00 alternating
  • 06:00 alternating
  • 09:00 alternating
  • 12:00 less rain
  • 15:00 cloudy
  • 18:00 cloudy
  • 21:00 cloudy
  • 21:00 drizzle

wind in exposed higher regions: from S mit 15 to 30 kmph
In the morning still partly moderate rain, snow line between 800 and 1100m. In the afternoon mostly dry again but cloudy.

Sunday, March 16

Still lots of clouds, little sun and a few rain showers. Snow line around 1100m.

Monday, March 17

Only slowly more pleasant weather. Clouds clear up and it becomes partly sunny. Upcoming northerly winds.

Tuesday, March 18

Sunny, frosty in the morning.

Wednesday, March 19

Very sunny. In the early morning frosty.

Thursday, March 20

Sunny and milder.

14.03.2025 - 10:54 - Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) - The weather experts in Carinthia